Toppage > GHM Open latest issue (2023 August, Vol. 3, No.1) is available online
GHM Open latest issue (2023 August, Vol. 3, No.1) is available online
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Center for Clinical Sciences
Division of Global Health & Medicine
The latest issue (2023 August, Vol.3, No.1) of GHM Open has been officially published online.

Current Issue:
Whole Issue (PDF):
This issue contains a diverse selection of research articles. Topics include seven steps in the value chain of health products for equitable access and delivery in low- and middle-income countries, association of adipokines with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome including obesity and diabetes, visualization of aerosol spread using a smoke tester during tracheal intubation performed in an operating room, clinical features of cervical cancer at a national cancer center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, etc. Articles describing COVID-19, including using eConsent to improve patient comprehension and solving issues for introduction, Alpha and Delta variants and vaccination effectiveness against severity in COVID-19 inpatients based on medical claims in Japan, global vaccine equity, have also been published in this issue to prompt real-time sharing of scientific information.
GHM Open (Print ISSN 2436-293X, Online ISSN 2436-2956) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM). As the second international academic journal published by NCGM, the goal of the Journal is to create a network to share global health information and findings from basic science and clinical science for use in practice. For more information, please visit