Toppage > Global Health & Medicine (GHM) latest issue (2023 April, Vol. 5, No.2, the fourth Special Topic: COVID-19 Issue) is available online
Global Health & Medicine (GHM) latest issue (2023 April, Vol. 5, No.2, the fourth Special Topic: COVID-19 Issue) is available online
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Center for Clinical Sciences
Division of Global Health & Medicine
The latest issue (2023 April, Vol. 5, No.2) of Global Health & Medicine (GHM) has been officially published online. And articles will be available in PubMed and Web of Science Core Collection database soon.

Current Issue:
Whole Issue (PDF):
This is the fourth "Special Topic: COVID-19" Issue and it collected a range of research articles describing COVID-19 based on frontline data from Japan, as well as various findings from other counties and areas worldwide. Articles include the reclassification of COVID-19 of the Infectious Diseases Control Law in Japan, the clinical trial experience in Japan and future issues in developing drugs to treat COVID-19, the status of and perspectives on COVID-19 vaccination after lifting of the dynamic zero-COVID policy in China, the COVID-19 vaccination program in Cambodia, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on surgical outcomes after hepatopancreatobiliary surgery, tools and factors predictive of the severity of COVID-19, the treatment options for patients with severe COVID-19, etc.
In addition, the cover photo presents people flocking to Tokyo's Ueno Park for cherry blossom parties with the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions after four years.
GHM is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM). It is published bimonthly in printed and electronic versions (Print ISSN 2434-9186, Online ISSN 2434-9194), and the first issue was published in October 2019. Articles published in GHM cover the fields of global health, public health, and health care delivery as well as the seminal and latest research on the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice.
Having brought together a globally representative and diverse audience, advisory board, authors, and reviewers, GHM will maintain a high standard of peer-review and publication, with the aims of promoting international academic exchange in the field of global health and medicine. For more information, please visit